A house in the depth of the sea. The human world is in question. We trust our technologies to be above nature, but in this environment we cannot live. Dark deep nature which we don’t see, but where our actions resonate. And the impact of our actions returns on us.
The DJ on the deck of the sinking ship is not stopping playing techno and we dance to the end of the world.
The DJ on the deck of the sinking ship is not stopping playing techno and we dance to the end of the world.
Two channel video mapping, one channel sound, reactive sound sculpture, recycled plastic, recycled aluminum foil, recycled cardboard, desk lamp
Gallery “La Terminal”, ZAWP, Bilbao.
Installation assistance:
Pello Maudo Herrero
Jara Roset
Oksana Pohrebennyk
Pello Maudo Herrero
Jara Roset
Oksana Pohrebennyk
Photography: Eder Gutierrez

Video 1, water windows: processed image from “Stalker” by Andrei Tarkovsky (1979)
video and full sound
Video 2, plastic seaweeds: photography by Oksana Pohrebennyk, parcticipating Nerea Rogido and Anat Moss
This project was realized during an artist in residency “LACTE Lab” with Elektr.ART
Special thanks to Pello Maudo Herrero
Bilbao June 2021